American Grappling Association

American Grappling Association CHICAGO: March 2nd 2024

American Grappling Association CHICAGO: March 2nd 2024

March 2 2024

Oak Lawn Pavilion 9401 Oak Park Ave, Oak Lawn, IL 60453

March 2nd 2024

Registration Requirements

  1. Pre-Event Registration: Enrollment for AGA events is exclusively pre-event and concludes four days before the event at 11:59 PM.
  2. Registration Process: Participants must complete the registration form and process payment via PayPal to secure their spot.
  3. No Late Payments: Payments are not accepted post-registration closure, except for spectator fees.
  4. Event Information Awareness: It’s essential to be acquainted with specific details for each tournament, available on the event pages.
  5. Absolute Division Entry: Additional registration and fee are required for entering absolute divisions.
  6. Compliance with Sandbagging Policy: Adult participants must ensure their registration adheres to the policy, while guardians/coaches are responsible for children’s correct division placement.
  7. Age-Based Divisions: Age divisions are based on the competitor’s age on the event day, with flexibility provided for Masters and Senior categories.
  8. Legal Guardian Consent for Minors: Parents or legal guardians must register and consent for underage participants.


Participants in events organized by the American Grappling Association (AGA) are required to comply with the following behavioral guidelines:

  1. Footwear Requirement: Competitors must wear shoes when not on the mat. Neglecting this rule could lead to disqualification.
  2. Prohibition of Violence: Any form of violence will lead to immediate expulsion from the event and possibly a future ban from AGA events.
  3. No Harassment Policy: Disrespectful behavior towards fellow competitors, referees, or staff is strictly forbidden and may result in ejection from the event.
  4. Language Restrictions: The use of discriminatory language, including racist or sexist remarks, is grounds for removal and possibly a future ban from AGA events.
  5. Anti-Intimidation Policy: Intimidating, harassing, or stalking another competitor, either online or in person, will result in ejection from the event.
  6. Sportsmanship: Poor sportsmanship by a competitor can lead to disqualification, and similar behavior by a coach can result in their trainee’s disqualification and loss of coaching privileges.
  7. Substance Abuse: Competing while under the influence of illegal substances or anything impairing judgment or physical ability is strictly forbidden by the AGA.
  8. No Flying Scissors Takedown,Spiking, or Small Joint Manipulation


The American Grappling Association (AGA) is committed to ensuring fair competition, and as such, the following procedures are in place for reviewing officiating decisions:

  1. Review Requests: All appeals must be filed at the Head Table, not with the match referee.
  2. Scope of Review: Reviews will be limited to submission-related decisions and potential misapplications of the Allowable Techniques chart. Instances involving a competitor submitting (tapping out) are considered final.
  3. Who Can Request: Only the competitor or their coach can request a review.
  4. Timeframe for Review: Appeals must be lodged immediately after the match, within a 10-minute window. Late requests will not be considered.
  5. Evidence Requirement: Video proof is mandatory for a review. Videos must be concise, focusing on the specific incident, and no longer than 2 minutes.
  6. No Rematches: The outcome of a review will not result in a rematch.
  7. Respectful Approach: All requests should be made respectfully. Any disrespect towards event staff or questioning of referees’ competence is not allowed.
  8. One Review Per Division: Competitors are entitled to one review request per division.
  9. Discretion of Head Table: The Head Table staff have the final say in review outcomes.
  10. Possible Outcomes: A successful review could alter the match result to a submission victory/disqualification or other appropriate resolutions as determined by the Head Table.


The American Grappling Association (AGA) enforces a strict policy against sandbagging to maintain fair competition. This policy includes the following stipulations:

  1. Definition of Sandbagging: Competing below one’s actual skill level is considered sandbagging.
  2. Examples of Sandbagging:
  3. Adult Gi competitors participating below their belt level.
  4. Adult NoGi competitors engaging below their assigned skill level.
  5. Children competing below their rank, except in merged divisions.
  6. Wrestlers with significant experience competing in lower divisions.
  7. Judo black belts or Luta Livre practitioners (blue rank or above) competing in beginner divisions.
  8. Catch wrestlers with extensive competition experience competing below their level.
  9. Professional MMA fighters participating in beginner divisions.
  10. Consequences for Adults: Adults caught sandbagging face disqualification and potential suspension from future AGA events.
  11. Reevaluation of Competitor’s Level: In cases of sandbagging, the competitor’s level will be reassessed for fairness.
  12. Repeat Offenses: Continued sandbagging can lead to extended suspension or a complete ban from AGA tournaments.
  13. Handling Children’s Sandbagging: An educational approach will be taken for children. Their guardians and coaches will be counseled to ensure proper division placement.
  14. Complaint Procedure: Pre-event sandbagging concerns should be emailed to AGA. On the day of the event, complaints should be directed to the Head Table.
  15. Authority of Head Table: The Head Table has the sole authority to address sandbagging issues


  1. Uniform Standards: While Gi and belts are not pre-measured, officials may request a uniform change if deemed inappropriate due to size, excess patches, damage, or uncleanliness.
  2. Rash Guard Usage: Competitors may wear fitting rash guards under their Gi
  3. Color Flexibility: There are no restrictions on the color of Gi and NoGi uniforms.
  4. NoGi Attire Specifications: Board shorts without pockets or metal and plastic, reaching at least mid-thigh, are required. Women may wear lycra pants. Spats are permissible under shorts. A tight-fitting rash guard or shirt must be worn.
  5. Undergarment Requirement: Wearing undergarments is mandatory.
  6. Joint Protection: Soft joint pads are allowed, excluding those with plastic, velcro, or metal.
  7. Headgear for Religious Reasons: Headgear is permitted solely for religious purposes.
  8. Prohibited Items: Groin protectors, jewelry, hairpins, and compression socks are not allowed.
  9. Sports Tape Usage: Thin sports tape on joints is acceptable, subject to referee’s discretion.


  1. Nail Care: Fingernails and toenails must be short.
  2. Hair Management: Long hair should be tied up.
  3. Stain Prevention: Competitors with hair dye or makeup that could stain are subject to disqualification.
  4. Health Check: Competitors with skin conditions will be evaluated by medical staff, who have the final say on their participation.


  1. Timely Check-In: Competitors must weigh-in up to 60 minutes before their division start time and be present in the venue.
  2. Weight Allowance: A 1.0 pound allowance for adults and 2.0 pounds for children is given. Exceeding this results in disqualification.
  3. Weight Class Adherence: Competitors must meet their weight class limit, with disqualification for failure to do so and no refunds.
  4. Gi Weigh-In Rule: Participants in Gi divisions weigh-in without their Gi.
  5. Single Weigh-In for Multiple Divisions: One weigh-in suffices for those competing in both Gi and NoGi.


We do not take late registrations or registrations at the event!

Early Bird Registration 1/2 Divisions – (Register before February 17 at 11:59pm) $55 or $100 for both Gi and Nogi

Regular Registration 1/2 Divisions – (Register before February 26 at 11:59pm) $65 or $120 for both Gi and Nogi

Per Absolute Division – $25

Spectators – $15 at the event


  1. Adult Matches: Each adult match, including finals and round robin, is capped at 5 minutes.
  2. Teens Matches: For competitors under 18, matches have a 4-minute limit.
  3. Children’s Matches: Other kids’ matches are limited to 3 minutes each.


  1. Referee Authority: The match referee has the final say in all decisions.
  2. Point System: Traditional BJJ scoring applies – mount (4 points), back control (4 points), guard pass (3 points), sweep (2 points), take down (2 points), knee on stomach (2 points).
  3. Positional Control for Scoring: Points are awarded for maintaining control positions for at least 3 seconds.
  4. No Advantages: The AGA does not use ‘advantage’ points.
  5. Match Termination: Matches conclude if a competitor taps out, yells, loses consciousness, cries, has a loss of bodily control, vomits, or verbally surrenders.
  6. Referee’s Discretion in Kids Matches: Referees can end children’s matches early to prevent injuries.
  7. Combativeness and Stalling: A lack of combativeness or stalling, identified after 20 seconds of inactivity, can lead to penalties.
  8. Ending of Matches: When time runs out, the competitor with the most points wins. In the event of a tie, the competitor with fewer penalties or, as a last resort, a referee decision will determine the winner.
  9. Referee Decision Criteria: Decisions are based on submission threats, positional dominance, and aggression.


  1. Round Robin System: Competitors are randomly pooled and guaranteed up to 4 matches.
  2. Playoffs in Large Divisions: In divisions with over 4 competitors, the best grapplers advance to a single-elimination playoff.
  3. Tiebreakers: The algorithm for tiebreakers includes most wins, most submissions, head-to-head matches, most points scored, and least points scored against.

Absolute Division

  1. Single-Elimination: The Absolute Division follows a single-elimination format.
  2. Divisional Rules: Gi Absolute Divisions adhere to black belt-specific rules, while NoGi Absolute divisions use expert skill level rules.


  1. Minor Fouls: These include actions like guard pulling without a grip, deliberately going out of bounds, disengaging from the guard, causing wardrobe malfunctions, illegal grips, disobeying referees, unintentional knee reaps in certain divisions, speaking during matches, and leaving the mat prematurely.
  2. Major Fouls: Major violations like forcing an out-of-bounds submission reset, aggressive behavior, physical misconduct (striking, biting, etc.), using lubricants to reduce friction, disobeying stop commands during submissions, uniform damage preventing continuation, applying disallowed techniques, forcing illegal attacks from an opponent, third penalty of any kind, or causing an opponent to land on their head or neck will result in immediate disqualification.


The list of competitors is updated live during the registration period. It’s accessible on the event page under the registrations tab. Participants are encouraged to verify their details and those of other competitors by the final day of registration, rather than waiting for the finalization of brackets.


After registration closes, there’s a window until 5 PM the next day for any adjustments to registrations. These can be made by logging into participant accounts. Post-deadline, registrations are locked, and no further changes are allowed. Competitors without opponents in their division can either move up a division or cancel their registration for a full credit.


Post-deadline, if competitors are alone in their divisions, they might be merged with another division. Those still without opponents after brackets are released receive full credit for a future event.


  • Refunds are available until the early bird registration date. From then until the change deadline, only full credits for future events are issued. No refunds or credits are provided after the change deadline. Credits are obtained by canceling the event registration through your account. Participants without an opponent or whose opponent is a no-show on the event day will receive a full credit/refund.


Brackets and the event schedule are published 48 hours prior to the tournament. These can be found on the event page. A large 55-inch TV displays the live schedule at the venue. If needed, participants will be called to the mat via microphone. Competitors are advised to be present in the venue at least 60 minutes before their division start time.:


Weigh-ins are conducted on the event day. Competitors don’t need to weigh in with their Gi and only need to weigh in once for multiple divisions. Weigh-ins are available from the event start until 60 minutes before the division start time.


Each match area will have one chair per side for coaches. Only competitors and on-deck competitors are allowed within the barricades during matches.


Beautiful gold, silver, and bronze medals will be awarded to all podium finishers. $500 and Championship Belts will be awarded to Absolute Gi (under 170 over 170) and No Gi Expert champions(under 170, over 170).


A trained and professional medic is always on sight.

American Grappling Association CHICAGO: March 2nd 2024

Location: Oak Lawn Pavilion 9401 Oak Park Ave, Oak Lawn, IL 60453

Doors Open @ 7:30am | Event Starts @ 9am

Early Bird Registration 1/2 Divisions – (Register before February 17 at 11:59pm) $55 or $100 for both Gi and Nogi

Regular Registration 1/2 Divisions – (Register before February 28 at 11:59pm) $65 or $120 for both Gi and Nogi

Per Absolute Division – $25

Event captures